Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Pain Treatment Fort Worth TX R Family Chiropractic.jpeg

Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Fort Worth, TX.

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is also called “repetitive trauma disorder”. It occurs when the median nerve of the wrist is irritated. It can also be caused by what is called “Double Crush Phenomenon”. This is where the nerve that exits the lower bones of the neck is also compressed or impinged by a spinal misalignment.

Symptoms of CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include pain, numbness and/or tingling, and weakness of the wrist, hand, and fingers. Sometimes it is so severe that it will awaken the sufferer during the night! CTS can affect anybody that does repetitive tasks with their hands i.e.: secretaries, carpenters, computer workers, musicians, assembly line workers, and many more.

CTS treatment has included drugs, cortisone, splints, and surgery, all showing a very poor success rate. As a result of the poor medical outcomes Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. concluded: “Since the medical treatment for this condition is so often unsatisfactory, I have for years been recommending that my patients consult muscle and joint therapy specialists.” (Chiropractors)

A number of researchers found spinal nerve root irritation in patients which had carpal tunnel or ulnar neuropathy and have documented the relationship between spinal health and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Other researchers have shown that nerve compression in the neck can block the flow of nutrition to the nerves in the wrist. Large numbers of these sufferers bad neck arthritis as well. (Which can be stopped and even prevented with Chiropractic Care)

Chiropractic treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is often a first choice because it is non-invasive, gentle, drug free, and surgery free. The treatment your Chiropractor will perform will be to gently realign the eight bones of the wrist and potentially the neck to reduce the nerve irritation and swelling. When the swelling decreases, so do the carpal tunnel symptoms. With proper care, the bones and nerves of the wrist and the neck will function properly for many years to come.

In light of what is known about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, anyone suffering from it should see a Chiropractor to ensure that their spine and wrists are free of nerve irritation. A Chiropractic spinal adjustment may be the difference between a pain free wrist or major surgery.


If you or someone you know has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, please share this

information and call us so we can help you get your problem fixed at the source of the issue!


Yours in health,
Drs. Heather & Tanner Rodriguez
Pediatric & Family Chiropractors